This soft green ball akes a delightful teatime snack. Best eaten warm, it oozes a thick sweet palm sugar syrup when bitten.
Ingredients (makes about 30):
- 2 3/4 cups Glutinous rice flour (tepung ketan)
- 1 1/2 tablespoons tapioca flour (tepung kanji)
- 1 pinch of salt (garam)
- 1 cup of boiling hot water (air panas)
- 10 of 3cm long pandan leaves
- 3/4 cup grated or desiccated coconut (kelapa parut)
- 100 gr Gula Melaka or palm sugar (gula jawa/gula aren)
- 1 table spon of Soft Brown sugar
- Combine the ingredients for the filling and set aside (campur semua bahan untuk filling, sisihkan)
- Blend the pandan leaves and a little water until they form a coarse pulp. Strain the pulp so that you can get 2 tablespoons of thick juice (Haluskan daun pandan dan air dengan blender , saring hingga didapati 2 sendok makan sauce pandan yang kental)
- Mix water and pandan juice thoroughly. You may add a few drop of green colouring if desired. (campurkan air dan sauce daun pandan, dapat ditambahkan pewarna hijau sesuai selera)
- Combine flour. Sift and mix well with salt. Stir the pandan mixture slowly into the flour mixture to form a smooth dough. Add more water if the dough is too stiff and more glutinous flour if it is to soft. (Campurkan semua tepung, saring dan tambahkan garam. Masukkan saus pandan ke dalam adonan tepung sampai kalis. Tambahkan air apabila adonan terlalu kaku/keras dan tambahkan tepung ketan apabila terlalu encer.
- Roll tablespoon pieces of dough into balls. Make a little hole in each of the balls and add the filling. Close up the holes and roll the balls once more to make them round again. (Ambil adonan 1 sdm dan buat bulatan, buat lubang kecil di tengahnya dan beri isian. Tutup kembali dengan cara membulatkan adonan.
- Cook the balls in batches in boiling water. Scoop up each ball from the water with a perforated spoon when they float to the surface. Roll the balls while hot in the grated coconut. (Masak bola-bola klepon dalam air mendidih. Segera angkat apabila sudah mengapung. Dan saat masih panas, gulingkan dalam parutan kelapa.
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